Timing is always a funny thing...
Late last year a good friend asked me if I would take a sister spot in a custom wrap with her. It was of course something I wanted to share with her, so I said yes. But during the design process life started happening and I had to back out. I left the group chat and the group discussing it because I was bummed. My friend messaged me that she couldn't decide what weave and weft to pick and asked my opinion so I told her. Fast forward a couple of months. I was having a shit day and during a conversation I kind of accidently word vomited everywhere. I told her I was done and ready to leave Facebook because I just needed a break. She was supportive but told me she would miss me. Then... she told me she had ordered me a piece of her custom still because she wanted me to be a part of it. To consider it a birthing day present for Joshua. And I cried. I was so amazed. How could someone be so kind? So generous?
We should probably pause here for a second. Because, realistically this friend is so many amazing things. I met her one night when I was browsing the budget swap. Everything goes for $100 for less. All of the carriers she was selling were worth far more than $100 but here see was selling them for that. I bought a wrap from her and we ended up chatting and basically haven't stopped since. Even though she lives many stated away, I'm glad to call her a friend. I got to meet her when she came to CA last year. There was wrap geekery and ice cream. It was amazing.
Back to the story... the wrap came today. It's name is The Ride of Her Life. I know the name has meaning to my friend, but honestly the timing of it coming into my life is also kind of huge. I am at the end of a journey that while I am thankful for what it has brought, it was a very trying time. The ride of my life so to speak. 😏
I'm once again humbled by the love I'm surrounded by. I have a pretty amazing village.
What a neat story! It is so beautiful.