Saturday, April 2, 2016

Risaroo Woven's Perrault Cobalt

Company: Risaroo Wovens

Wrap: Perrault Cobalt

Material: 50/50 Cotton/Merc Cotton

Medium weight

I was lucky enough to be picked as a Risaroo Wovens Adventurer late last year. Which was really exciting as I was in my final weeks of pregnancy (impatience setting in) so it gave me a lot to look forward to. I got to pick which wrap I would use during my time as an Adventurer. Of all of the wraps shown, Perrault Cobalt stood out. The beautiful design and the amazing color, I was sold. I chose a size 4, which is base -1 for me. I figured I could do short carries with the newborn and modified base carries with the toddler. Win-win!

When it arrived, it was soft even in loom state. It quickly became softer with just a normal wash and dry. It had and AMAZING amount of texture. I love texture, I also don't believe in ironing. (I may not even own an iron. You would have to ask R?) I couldn't wait to wrap with it.

The cobalt threads which provided the texture give it the perfect amount of grip while the white provided the perfect amount of glide. It was easy to get the passes in place but they weren't going anywhere once they were there. It is moldable with very little stretch. It feels heavy in hand but that didn't translate to wear. It is breathable which is incredibly important in Southern California. Yes, even in January when it first arrived! It is great with the squish (13 lbs) for long periods of time in single pass carries, though I preferred it in multi-layer carries for my toddler (26 lbs.) It reminded me very much of Kerrington Pearl with a bit more texture.

Overall? I adore this wrap. Like most things Risaroo, this one is a keeper.

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